WELL! the day started at 5:30 this morning as i had to go to Smithers for work which is about an hour away when you go 90kmh to save on gas. Up to $1.43 now. So I left the house at 7:00am and this is what i saw again---SNOW on top of the mountain again. It is there! beautiful sight. I can never get over the beauty of these mountains!

Foggy down by the river. The road follows the river all the way to Smithers and the sun is trying to shine thru all that stuff. Nice.

A very long day at the office. We start at eight and work straight thru till 4:00. But today we had some difficult cases and worked till six. Overtime pay of course! I was eating supper- an egg sandwich from Tim Hortons and it was the messiest egg sandwich i ever ate as i was driving the thought crossed my mind-its a good thing no one was looking. HUH! I glanced down and next thing i know i looked up and there i was -too close to the ditch. Tried to get out of the rut, got caught in the gravel, over steered and lost control. slammed on the brakes- which someone says you shouldn't do!!! turned a full circle the other way. Clouds of dirt everwhere. For a minute it had me wondering which direction i was facing. I am so thankful no cars were around or that i had veered into the other lane or something.

This was the most exciting road stop I have ever been in because the first cop car came up , then another one. Behind that came the ambulance with the ladies getting out of the vehicle and stretching on their blue gloves!!!, Then the fire truck with five of the best good looking guys you ever saw came out of that small truck!! (cops were good looking too and nice) And then the tow truck came and cops were directing traffic--sheesh! It must have been rush hour the way the vehicles were coming and it is usually not that busy.

There were many people who stopped and asked if I was okay! One real nice young girl, 21 yrs, who works at toyota, stopped and graciously offered the use of her cell phone and stayed with me until my daughter came. That is her in the pink. So with all these people around we asked if our pictures could be taken. and there we are.

It was worth the $80 dollar tow truck fee to get the picture with the firemen!! Someone had reported it as a roll over that is why every vehicle was supposed to come and be there. Turned out to be a big party anyway, they all had a big laugh and i did not get hurt, or a ticket and my car is still good.

I went home with Clarisa, saw the grandkids, Here is Rhys, all redheaded and smiles. He is so cute!!!

And I am not shaking anymore
leona lewis--the first time
lara fabian--
ivana and luka--bed of roses
josipa lisac--ava maria
OH my goodness!!! Glad you're all right and still with us. The lady in the pink was a dream come true...she's a great human to offer you all the help.
My the mountains ARE lovely [I lived in Colorado for years, and know what it's like driving in mountains!] But now, I can say, the snowy weather is pretty, but only in pictures. For me anyway.
Now wait a minute?!!! You say your gas is $1.43?!! Lucky, lucky YOU...it's up to $4. a gallon where I live.
My show n tell is shared. Hope you can stop by for a "howdy do!" Happy weekend to you---
Hi Aunty Bev, you look soo good in the pictures!!! Very beautiful lady!! :) I am so glad that you weren't hurt or that the car wasn't too damaged.
Rhys is sure turning out to be quite the cutie!!
I love you lots!!
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