Pink Saturday

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blessings continued

The Blessing of a Sunset

The Blessing is looking up into the heaven and realizing that the most beautiful thing is that there is a Creator who has given us the beauty of the earth, the beauty of my country, my reward from choosing Him in my life.  But something is gone.  the laughter of small feet and the presence of trucks and skidoos and an earthly father.
and so................what shall be my next step??  i will have to wait and see.  But writing this blog and meeting you out there on your pages has ben a blessing also, sharing pinks and lifestyles.  thank you so much>i have an unfinished trailer but it has been worth it to live here!!

1 comment:

Saun said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't think I would want to meet up with your monkey. Your pictures of the mountains are awesome.

happy birthday

Animated Happy Birthday#5

happy new year

happy new year

vintage from Shabby Cotage Studio


leona lewis--the first time
lara fabian--
ivana and luka--bed of roses
josipa lisac--ava maria
