Pink Saturday

Friday, December 5, 2008

This Story

This Story belongs to a lonely man whose life and belongings holds secrets but some things are revealed in the things he left behind. His wife died and he was lonely, his son deserted him leaving him alone in a nursing home to look out the window and wonder where life had taken him. he wasn't in his own home anymore. this delicate pink bowl handpainted with white flowers was kept on a shelf . His house was a quaint old fashioned hardwood floor one with rounded kitchen cupboards surrounding a single sink. Double doors led to a small living space with windows all around that you could look out to see fruit trees and rose bushes and a gingerbread looking garage. It was so cute. I felt sorry for this man for some reason because he died alone after i moved into his house.

You Have Run Into MyArms

O my child, you have thought in your heart that you would run from Me. But lo, I am everywhere before you, and you have only run into My arms. For I care for you---yes, I think upon you constantly, and I seek to do you good.

You fear My rod of correction, but it is written, is is the love of God that causes men to repent. Take My love, and in the taking, your heart shall be so warmed and made tender, and at the same time encouraged and made strong, that you will not need the rod, nor anticipate My displeasure.

For if it be so that human love covers a multitude of sins how much more is it true of the divine love of God the Father! Knowing deep love for you, your own heart shall no longer condemn you. My mercies are everlasting, and My kindness abundant.

My grace extendeth unto the least of My children, and My tenderness shall make you strong. I go before you daily to prepare you way, and you shall be accompanied by My goodness and My mercy.

An excerpt from the book 'Come away my beloved' by frances j roberts

These pictures were taken from PINK MARTHA STEWART magazine. A good inspiration for a painting i would like to do for my addition. I love the brownish pinks in these materials...........

and now i feel like having a grapefruit margarita only this one will be purely vegetarianized!!! with seven up....

HAPPY PINK SATURDAY EVERYONE ---- click on the sidebar for more of pink saturday findings


Becky said...

Love the story and love the pink! Thanks so much for made my day. Becky

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Loved all your PINK photos!

~ Gabriela ~

Glennis said...

Love the story. I know your love and care of this house honors that man.

Have a great pink Saturday - and have a cocktail for me!

Anonymous said...

A very sweet but sad story. That house sounds just like my Mom's little house with the round cabinets by the kitchen sink. Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks so much for dropping by. ~ Lynn

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful story. Your pink photographs are gorgeous. I am giving away some artwork today on my blog, so please stop by and take some home. I love the pink curtains, they remind me of my bedroom when I was a girl with my pink princess telephone and lots of dreams.

Happy Pink Saturday.



That is a heartbreaking story, truly.

Glennis said...

HI - thanks for visiting my blog. You were right the first time - it IS a persimmon!

Anonymous said...

Bev, what a sad and sweet story. Aging can be so difficult.

Thanks for sharing so many interesting pinks with us today.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Stephanie said...

What a sad story and how sweet that you care...the world can always use more compassion. Thanks for sharing.

Happy Pink Saturday!


Suzie Button said...

What a sweet, sad nostalgic story of the pink vase! Thanks for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday. Suzie

One Shabby Old House said...

I love your fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with that.
Happy PS

Sondra Behne' said...

Thanks for sharing your story....we can use to be more caring in our lives.

Sorry for being late..trying my best to get to all.

Do stop by and check out our pink contest going on right now @

Hope to see you there.

happy birthday

Animated Happy Birthday#5

happy new year

happy new year

vintage from Shabby Cotage Studio


leona lewis--the first time
lara fabian--
ivana and luka--bed of roses
josipa lisac--ava maria
